Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Great, Inexpensive Prep Test options

Hi All,

I know it is summer-time and the last thing on your mind is any type of SAT prep classes! Heads up to those of you with upcoming tenth graders: Th PSAT tests are administered in October and open to all tenth graders. The PSAT is a great practice test for the SAT and is also the first step in qualifying your children for possible scholarships (to include the National Merit Scholarship). If you have your child/children practice 1-2 hours a day on the PSAT prep, it will help them feel more comfortable about the upcoming exam.

Just wanted to let you know about a resource I found that has PSAT, ACT and SAT prep as well as literature guides. This site is wonderful and if you use the code SHMOOPLUV333 (all caps) you will get 10% off your bill. This site is also filled with many free resources as well. Just thought I would pass the information along. Check it out at: http://www.shmoop.com/sat/test-prep.html


  1. Thanks for the discount code. Shmoop is a great resource!

  2. Yes thank you. Hope the quality of the SAT prepping is worth it.
